Writer. Podcast host. Maker of medicines, singer of songs, collector of stories and seashells.

creativity is your lifeline.
You feel the call to create and perhaps always have.
But you’re not sure where to start. You might get stuck in the stories of “I’m not good enough” or “what do I have to say?” or “someone else is already doing it” or maybe your standard of perfectionism stops you from even starting.
Here’s what I believe…
We all have a story to tell. And your story matters. Your unique expression is the exact medicine the world needs.
Creativity is the golden thread that connects us to ourselves, our communities, and the universe.
I help you:
…tell your story (and own it)
…enjoy the creative process rather than focus on the outcome
…learn how to tap into the creative flow
…develop a nurturing and inspiring creative practice
…feel connected to yourself and others
…express the magic you came here to create
learn more


Creative Soul Podcast
A podcast exploring the intersection of creativity and spirituality to discover what lights up your creative soul
Creative Writing Workshops
Join a writing workshop to connect with your creativity in community
The Creative Soul Practice
A 7 day guided writing meditation series to start a daily creative practice and connect with your creative soul

“ Leya invites you into her creative space with open arms and the warmest energy. Her energy is contagious and her spirit is as bright as her smile. She guides you through meditations and writing prompts with a gentle hand, and allows you to open creative channels you didn't know you had.”
— Julia B.